Take a small step towards a more environmentally friendly way of living
Please bring your own amenities
According to the regulation of disposal of plastic tableware and other plastic products, hotels are not allowed to provide disposable plastic toiletries including toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower caps, razors, combs, cotton buds, toiletries, soap, plastic-bottled water for free since 22 April 2024(earth day). We recommend guests bring their amenities in an effort to reduce single-use plastics.
Paperless check-in
As the first Smart Hotel in Hong Kong, we recommend guests to use our self-check-in kiosk and use their mobile phone as a room key to get rid of the room card also the room card holder. For those who choose the traditional check-in method, we strive to minimise the amount of paper use by using the Tablet which allows guests to sign registration digitally.
Energy Saving
Oasis Avenue also strives to reduce CO2 emissions by adjusting cooling and heating temperatures and leaving the air conditioners and lights off in rooms where guests have not checked in. When guests first enter the room, the room may not be the ideal temperature, but we ask for your kind understanding and cooperation as we continue to work to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions.